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What is AGV: All You Need to Know

What is AGV: All You Need to Know

Sep 20, 2024

Transport robots(AGVs and AMRs) are being rapidly introduced in manufacturing and logistics. Riding the wave of process automation in factories, attention is being drawn not only to major manufacturers but also to new entrants with AI and other functions.


an AI-generated picture showing warehouse automation for reference


In the past, these robots were large and used for limited purposes, such as carrying loads along a fixed route, but recently products have appeared that can calculate their routes and run on their own, allowing for flexible use. There is also a wider choice of low-cost and sub-subscription-type products.



Many companies would like to know more about AGVs, which can be expected to offer many benefits. This article therefore presents a compact overview of the necessary information on AGVs, from the basics to typical types.


This section explains AGVs. It also explains the differences between AMR, which has recently been attracting a lot of attention.



What is an AGV?

Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) refer to unmanned guided vehicles and unmanned guided robots. Many people in the manufacturing industry have seen them on-site. They are transport robots that automatically carry people to their destination based on some kind of guide, such as magnetic tape on the floor. They come in a variety of shapes and types to suit different applications, such as forklift-type, loading-type, and towing-type.


In ISO 3691-4:2020 Industrial lorries — Safety requirements and verification — Part 4: Driverless industrial lorries and their systems.

It defines AGVs as powered trucks designed to operate automatically, without a human driver. 


Differences between AGVs and AMRs

AMR is a term used in similar situations to AGV. Both are transport robots and their names are derived from English acronyms, so it is easy to confuse the two, and care must be taken.


AMR (autonomous mobile robot) refers to an autonomous transport robot.


As the name ‘autonomous’ suggests, they do not need a fixed guide and can determine their route. The advantage is that the robot can be introduced without changing the existing layout, as it automatically avoids humans and obstacles detected by sensors.


Among industrial robots, the type that can work together with humans without being separated by fences, etc., is called cooperative robots and is characterized by its advanced AI-based recognition technology, which ensures safety and allows it to respond flexibly to the site.


AMRs are positioned as cooperative robots and are used in different ways from AGVs, such as when AMRs carry loads picked by workers.

AMRs are sometimes referred to as next-generation AGVs, with the implication that they are an evolution of AGVs.



Importance of AGVs

AGVs are becoming increasingly important in manufacturing and logistics. The number of companies that have introduced AGVs has increased over the past few years, and by 2023 the market is expected to be worth USD 2.7 billion globally.

AGVs are now indispensable to the factory floor against the backdrop of a shortage of factory workers and the need for automation, and AGVs play an extremely important role in FA and smart factories.



AGVs and AI (artificial intelligence)

AGVs transport goods along a fixed route, but by incorporating AI technology, they can provide flexible, human-friendly responses. For example, when an AGV detects an obstacle, it can give way instead of simply stopping. This increases efficiency in work environments where there is a mix of people and machines.


AI will also enable the system to do more advanced things, such as carrying out work at the same time as transporting, with a collaborative robot that uses image recognition technology to map and automatically calculate the route.



AGV and 5G

With 5G now available in many countries, there is a growing focus on local 5G, which can be used on limited sites, for example in factories. 5G has the characteristics of ultra-high speed, multiple simultaneous connections, and low latency, so it can be used in AGVs to enable higher-performance operation than ever before.


Currently, demonstrations, including AGV remote control, are at the stage of being carried out in the manufacturing industry and telecommunications carriers. In the future, manpower saving by AGVs will further advance in line with the spread of local 5G.



Types of AGVs

AGVs can be divided into the following types according to their shape

Conveyor-type AGVs

A conveyor is a device that transports goods in one direction and at a constant speed. Conveyor-type AGVs have a conveyor in the upper part of the vehicle, so conveying can be automated without installing a conveyor on the line.


Flat-body, heavy-duty AGVs

This type of AGV has a flat top section of the vehicle. Heavy materials can be safely transported.


Low floor type AGV

This type of AGV can move under racks and carts and transport the upper racks and carts. They are used to improve the efficiency of catering operations and have also been introduced in hospitals and schools.


Tow-type AGVs

This type of AGV tows goods on a dolly by connecting multiple units and towing the dolly as a whole. They are easy to construct and feature excellent cost performance.


Special type AGV

This refers to AGVs other than the four types listed above that are used for special applications. They are customized to meet the needs of factories, etc. Some are equipped with a fork function and rain protection for outdoor use.


Advantages of introducing AGVs

The three main advantages of introducing AGVs are


Reduced workload for operators.

The AGVs carry the load, eliminating the need for the operator to carry heavy loads or make multiple trips back and forth.


Reduction of errors

As they follow instructions and move to a fixed location, human error is eliminated and mistakes are less likely to occur.


Reduced costs

In the long term, introducing AGVs will save costs because it will reduce the number of workers required.


Disadvantages of AGVs

On the other hand, when introducing AGVs, it is advisable to understand the following two points as disadvantages.



Purchase costs.

AGVs require an initial purchase cost of several million to several million yen per unit. In addition, maintenance and operation costs may also be required, so it is necessary to assume that a reasonable cost will be incurred.

Recently, in response to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), products that can be introduced for as little as JPY 2 million and subscription-type products that are paid for every month have appeared. The impression is that the hurdles to introduction have been lowered considerably.


The site design needs to be reviewed.

AGVs need a guide for traveling. This requires a review of the site design, for example by applying magnetic tape or changing the layout of the factory. However, by introducing AMR, it is possible to introduce the system without changing the layout.

To operate AGVs



The usefulness of AGVs has been reported, but to operate them effectively in your company, preliminary design before introduction is extremely important.


AGVs need to have a defined route and space for their operation. This involves setting the layout and deciding on the width of the run so that the AGVs can operate smoothly. After clarifying the company's needs, the extent to which the AGVs will be used should also be determined in advance.




AGVs are an indispensable technology for improving operational efficiency and reducing manpower at manufacturing and distribution sites, and with the rapid spread of AI-equipped types, many factories are expected to move in the direction of ‘advanced functions and collaboration with humans’ and ‘unmanned operations’ in the future.


The increasing number of product variations and diversification in terms of cost, size, and performance are rapidly expanding the options available to users. If you have transport or other challenges, don't hesitate to contact us now, our team of experts is ready to find the best fit for your warehouse.

609-10, Building J, Zhendai Himalayas, Nanjing South Railway Station (Office)

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